Welcome to my projects page!
I’m a passionate Ph.D. student of Theoretical Physics of Matter, at the department of Physics and Astronomy of University of Padova. I have background in optics and photonics for telecommunications.
My current research interests are in theoretical physics of matter:
- solitons and their stability in classical and quantum field theories
- highly nonlinear phenomena in Bose-Einstein condensates, Josephson oscillations
Due to my background in photonic engineering and ICT, I’m also interested in
- classical and quantum optical communications in optical fibers
- nonlinear fiber optics
- microwave engineering
Other personal interests are philosophy of science, post-structuralism, science and technology studies (STS), music.
Recent publications
They are available at my Google Scholar profile
Presentations at conferences
CAPS24 Cold Atom Workshop, Barcelona, January 2024 (poster)
CMD30/FisMat2023 Milan, September 2023
ECOC22 European Conference on Optical Communications, Basel, September 2022
Matter-wave soliton dynamics @ BQMC (October 2023)
RG1 Study of the λ and phase separation transitions in 3 He-4 He mixtures @ Ph.D. course “Renormalization Group in Statistical Mechanics” (October 2023)
RG2 Renormalization group study of first-order phase transitions: scaling properties and finite-size effects @ Ph.D. course “Renormalization Group in Statistical Mechanics” (October 2023)
Scattering theory @ Ph.D. course “Quantum physics with atoms and ions” (April 2023)
Curriculum vitae
- CV 2024
Projects from M.Sc.
M.Sc. thesis - “Nonlinear noise in WDM systems: study of classical and quantum channel interaction and capacity” (September 2022)
Information theory essay - Methods for Generalized Rate Distortion Problems in Sensor Networks
Nanophotonics project - Propagation of Precursors in dispersive media
Quantum Optics and Lasers homework - Mathematics of coherent states and exercises
Projects for B.Sc.
- Optics laboratory projects (4 reports)
- B.Sc. thesis - “Dispersione cromatica e non linearità in fibra ottica, un’analisi simulativa”