
Introduzione alla Cibernetica, N. Wiener, Bollati Boringhieri (2012) Vortici e Colori - alle origini dell’opera di James Clerk Maxwell, G. Peruzzi, Dedalo (2010)

October 30, 2023 · 1 min

Readings in Mathematics

Real/complex analysis, functional analysis Operational Calculus, a theory of hyperfunctions, K. Yosida. Calculus on manifolds, M. Spivak. Information theory Information theory, inference and learning algorithms, D. J. C. MacKay. Elements of information theory, T.M. Cover, A.M. Thomas.

October 30, 2023 · 1 min

Readings in Physics

Here I collect some interesting bibliography in physics, that I have read or I am reading in this moment. Photonics and Electromagnetics A book with which I am deeply in love and have followed me for many years is Electromagnetic Waves, C. G. Someda. Quantum optics and noise Quantum noise - a Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian methods with Applications to Quantum Optics, C. W. Gardiner and P. Zoller. Elements of Quantum Optics, P. Meystre and M. Sargent III. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, L. Mandel and E. Wolf. Condensed Matter Physics Many-particle Physics, G. Mahan. Superfluid states of matter, Svistunov, Babaev, Prokof’ev.

October 30, 2023 · 1 min