Desired topology and active services


SLURM super quick start guide

The guide is available here.

On Centos8Stream, we first install MUNGE, then install SLURM by the bzip package. Status of munge can be probed by

munge -n | unmunge

Installing the SLURM package is done manually


We then unzip, configure, and build SLURM

We then need to create, by the SLURM user “slurm”, the directories of

  • log files
  • PID files
  • State save

and make them writable. We take inspiration from an existing slurm.conf file. So the directories will be

Function Directory
PID files
SlurmdSpoolDir /var/spool/slurmd
StateSaveLocation /var/spool/slurmctld

Beware, slurm is not in the sudoers group (and it must not be!). If the directories are already there, we must chown them, and chmod them to writable by slurm. This can be done only by a sudoer.

In order to use the SLURM API, we must link to the libraries

ldconfig -n <library-location>

in our case <library-location> is in the downloaded (and built) package.

A handy alternative: RPM

We can use rpmbuild to directly install and configure the directories and link the libraries. We do it in the slurm user.

This method show a missing dependency

error: Failed build dependencies:
	mariadb-devel >= 5.0.0 is needed by slurm-23.11.3-1.el8.x86_64

that we can easily solve by

sudo yum install mariadb-devel  

A warning in the rpmbuild suggest to run libtool --finish /lib64/security. We do it, installing libtool first

We still have the problem that the commands are not available. The SLURM services are not available.

The RPM files are loacated into


so we need to run

rpm -i *.rpm

inside the rpms folder.


We use the generator tool to make the slurm.conf file

We can now enable the daemons

systemctl enable slurmctld
systemctl enable slurmdbd
systemctl enable slurmd 

and activate them

systemctl start slurmctld
systemctl start slurmdbd
systemctl start slurmd 

The order is important!

We have a problem in starting the slurmdbd service: Condition: start condition failed at Sun 2024-02-11 17:10:08 CET; 8min ago └─ ConditionPathExists=/etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf was not met This is due to slurmdbd: error: s_p_parse_file: unable to read "/etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf": Permission denied

Also, we got error

Feb 11 17:26:11 slurph.novalocal slurmdbd[7414]: slurmdbd: error: mysql_real_connect failed: 2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mys>

Seems like we have problems with the installation of MariaDB. Lets run

 sudo dnf install mariadb-server 

Finally we are able to start the service

systemctl start mariadb.service

Who is running SLURM?


slurmdbd -Dvvv

We get errors like

slurmdbd.conf owned by 1000 not SlurmUser(1003)

Seems like we have problems in read from /var/run/<PID files> One can generate a folder inside /var/run and chown it, but since /var/run is tmpfs it will go after a system reboot. The solution seems to be to run a mkdir + chown script at startup. This is to be implemented. The script looks like (/home/centos/

#! /bin/bash
mkdir /var/run/slurm
chown slurm /var/run/slurm

Still we have problems in connecting to the database. This is a problem also on the startup of slurmd.service. Obviously, we lack a DB configuration.

Database configuration

We follow commands from the previous link.

Unable to determine this slurmd’s nodename

This problem is related to the impossibility to detect runner01. Before running the slurmd daemon, we need to setup the computing nodes. Now our slurmctld and slurmdbd are running.

Configuraiton of the computing node(s)

Follow instruction from youtube. After the configuration, and running the slurmd on runner01, the slurmctld.log file on the slurPh machine indicates a problem with

[2024-02-12T17:57:04.216] error: Node runner01 appears to have a different slurm.conf than the slurmctld.  This could cause issues with communication and functionality.  Please review both files and make sure they are the same.  If this is expected ignore, and set DebugFlags=NO_CONF_HASH in your slurm.conf.

and most importantly, an authentication problem by Munge

[2024-02-12T17:57:18.718] error: Munge decode failed: Unauthorized credential for client UID=1003 GID=1003

We should check

munge -n | unmunge

Both machines return a success code.


STATUS:           Success (0)
ENCODE_HOST:      runner01.novalocal (
ENCODE_TIME:      2024-02-12 18:02:47 +0100 (1707757367)
DECODE_TIME:      2024-02-12 18:02:47 +0100 (1707757367)
TTL:              300
CIPHER:           aes128 (4)
MAC:              sha256 (5)
ZIP:              none (0)
UID:              centos (1000)
GID:              centos (1000)
LENGTH:           0


STATUS:           Success (0)
ENCODE_HOST:      runner01.novalocal (
ENCODE_TIME:      2024-02-12 18:02:47 +0100 (1707757367)
DECODE_TIME:      2024-02-12 18:02:47 +0100 (1707757367)
TTL:              300
CIPHER:           aes128 (4)
MAC:              sha256 (5)
ZIP:              none (0)
UID:              centos (1000)
GID:              centos (1000)
LENGTH:           0

The problem seems to be that UID and GID are not the same in the two machines runner01:

File: /etc/slurm
Size: 4096      	Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: fc01h/64513d	Inode: 30103776    Links: 2
Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1001/   slurm)   Gid: ( 1001/   slurm)


File: /etc/slurm
Size: 4096      	Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: fc01h/64513d	Inode: 25439750    Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1003/   slurm)   Gid: ( 1003/   slurm)

the id munge command returns, strangely:


uid=991(munge) gid=988(munge) groups=988(munge)


uid=991(munge) gid=988(munge) groups=988(munge)

We need to set the right UID, and change the permissions to /etc/munge/munge.key on both machines. We run groupmod -g 1099 munge, and usermod -u 1004 -g 1099 munge. In order not to have conflicts with other users, we list all users by cut -d: -f1,3 /etc/passwd. To list all groups with GID: getent group. With the changed users, the munge daemon fails to start. In the log file, we also notice

2024-02-12 17:57:18 +0100 Info:      Unauthorized credential for client UID=1003 GID=1003

previous attempts by slurm user on runner01 (?) to authenticate. The change of user created ownership issues on log files and on the PRNG generator folder. We fix it by

sudo chown munge:munge -R /etc/munge
sudo chown munge:munge -R /var/lib/munge
sudo chown munge:munge -R /var/log/munge

Ok, we still have unable to determine this node name. scontrol ping on runner01 still gives

Slurmctld(primary) at slurph is DOWN

There is more: every execution of the ping on runner01 triggers the writing of

2024-02-12 18:34:26 +0100 Info:      Unauthorized credential for client UID=1003 GID=1003

in /var/log/munge/munged.log! Error bursts of the corresponding event in /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log are like

[2024-02-12T18:44:00.281] error: Munge decode failed: Unauthorized credential for client UID=1003 GID=1003
[2024-02-12T18:44:00.281] auth/munge: _print_cred: ENCODED: Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
[2024-02-12T18:44:00.281] auth/munge: _print_cred: DECODED: Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
[2024-02-12T18:44:00.281] error: slurm_unpack_received_msg: [[runner01]:50994] auth_g_verify: REQUEST_PING has authentication error: Unspecified error
[2024-02-12T18:44:00.281] error: slurm_unpack_received_msg: [[runner01]:50994] Protocol authentication error
[2024-02-12T18:44:00.291] error: slurm_receive_msg []: Protocol authentication error

Note that unauhtorized credential is very different from invalid credentials!

Change to Ubuntu OS

Due to the dubious status of CentOS in relationship to RHEL, we switch to Ubuntu. This would allow a clean installation of SLURM to be seamless.

Connection aliases commands to the new instances are, in fish:

alias runner01="ssh -L2082:"
alias slurPh="ssh -L2081:"
alias connect-slurPh="ssh -p 2081 -i ~/.ssh/certificates/slurPh-key.pem ubuntu@localhost"
alias connect-runner01="ssh -p 2082 -i ~/.ssh/certificates/slurPh-key.pem ubuntu@localhost"


We need to insert here the credentials to the MySQL database. MySQL database is to be managed via SLURM using sacct. For example, for adding a new user, we have

sacctmgr create user name=<USERNAME> account=<GROUP>


When launching a job, we immediately set the node state to drain, and the log file show

[2024-02-20T16:06:16.263] error: slurmd error running JobId=50 on node(s)=runner01: Plugin initialization failed

This is an error related to the Cgroups plugin. On the runner, we have in /var/log/slurmd.log

[2024-02-20T16:06:16.269] [50.batch] error: unable to mount memory cgroup namespace: Device or resource busy
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.269] [50.batch] error: unable to create memory cgroup namespace
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.269] [50.batch] error: Couldn't load specified plugin name for jobacct_gather/cgroup: Plugin init() callback failed
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.269] [50.batch] error: cannot create jobacct_gather context for jobacct_gather/cgroup
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: unable to mount cpuset cgroup namespace: Device or resource busy
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: unable to create cpuset cgroup namespace
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: unable to mount memory cgroup namespace: Device or resource busy
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: unable to create memory cgroup namespace
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: failure enabling memory enforcement: Unspecified error
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: Couldn't load specified plugin name for task/cgroup: Plugin init() callback failed
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: cannot create task context for task/cgroup
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] error: job_manager: exiting abnormally: Plugin initialization failed
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.273] [50.batch] sending REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT, error:1011 status:0
[2024-02-20T16:06:16.275] [50.batch] done with job

Useful resources for SLURM management

Other installation guides
